Tagr 5.6.3 破解版 – 音频元数据编辑器

Tagr 5.6.3 破解版 – 音频元数据编辑器

Tagr 5 Mac是一款好用的音频元数据编辑器,可以让您编辑内容包括歌手名称、歌曲名、音乐封面等音乐信息




Tagr 5.6.3 破解版 – 音频元数据编辑器

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Tagr 5 Mac是一款好用的音频元数据编辑器,可以让您编辑内容包括歌手名称、歌曲名、音乐封面等音乐信息,我们可以非常方便地控制我们对音乐文件的元标签编辑方式,重命名、编号、大小写等,非常实用的一款音乐元标签编辑管理工具。
Tagr is an application that helps you organize your music collection.
With Tagr you can easily edit information such as artist, title or album cover. Tagr also lets you control how your files are named, numbered and capitalized. Do not leave most needed imponértelo other programs!
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comprehensive coverage of Tagr!
• Edit metadata individual files MP3, M4A / M4B and FLAC or
• Edita bulk file list
• Embeds art covers in your songs
• Changes text to uppercase, lowercase or type own name
• Automatically generates numbers track
• Choose from predefined models for naming files or define your own
• Extract file name tags using predefined templates or custom
• Find information discogs.com albums and copy them in your songs
• Listen to your songs by QuickLook
• Customize Tagr as you like
Compatibility: OS X 10.6.6 or later, 64-bit processor
