Kuassa Efektor WF3607 Wah Filter MacOS 1.2.1 破解版 – 哇音合成器

Kuassa Efektor WF3607 Wah Filter MacOS 1.2.1 破解版 – 哇音合成器

Kuassa Efektor WF3607 Wah Filter旨在模仿哇音踏板发出的“哇哇”声音。 WF3607 具有 6 种过滤效果模式,从熟悉的 crybaby 声音到类似合成器的过滤器




Kuassa Efektor WF3607 Wah Filter MacOS 1.2.1 破解版 – 哇音合成器

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Kuassa Efektor WF3607 Wah Filter 旨在模仿哇音踏板发出的“哇哇”声音。 WF3607 具有 6 种过滤效果模式,从熟悉的 crybaby 声音到类似合成器的过滤器。
在 1920 年代,吉他手对小号手通过打开和关闭静音器发出的“哇哇哇”声音着迷。 它的过滤效果改变了乐器的共振,感觉增加了演奏的表现力。
40 多年后,一项偶然的发明造就了一种永远改变吉他声音的装置。 这个踏板最终被称为 Cry Baby*。 接下来,在 1970 年代,一个中止的合成器项目导致了类似的“哇哇”效果,后来被称为 Mu-Tron* III 包络滤波器。 这两款设备彻底改变了我们今天所知的几乎所有类型的音乐。
Designed to mimic the “wa wa” sound from a Wah pedal. WF3607 features 6 modes of filtering effect taken from the familiar crybaby sound to synth-like filters.
In the 1920s guitar players were fascinated by the “wa wa wa” sound made by trumpet players by opening and closing their mutes. Its filtering effect alters the resonance of the instrument and it feels to increase the expressiveness of playing.
More than 40 years later, an accidental invention resulted in a device that forever changes the sound of guitar. This pedal eventually known as the Cry Baby*. Next, in the 1970s, an aborted synthesizer project resulted in an similar “wah wah” effect, which later known as Mu-Tron* III envelope filter. These two devices revolutionized almost every genre of music as we know it today.
Select from 6 types filter modes
CB: Dunlop™ Cry Baby*
AX: Vertex™ Axis Wah*
VG: Vox™ Grey Wah*
MuLP: Mu-Tron™ Low Pass*
MuBP: Mu-Tron™ Band Pass*
MuHP: Mu-Tron™ High Pass*
Three types of wah and three envelope filters.
More parameters to tweak than regular wah pedals
Bypass button
Stereo linking
Plug a MIDI expression pedal for true wah-wah rocking action
Random Cube thoughtwaves and users’ WARNING
WARNING: This is done by request, and TeamCubeadooby
is literally clueless to folder structure, permission handling
and all sorts of things like that on MacOS. Going by logic,
this should all work well when patches replace original files,
but perhaps there is a reason or more why it will not.
Try at your own risk of failure.
“I have often asked about Kuassa Efektor WF3607 Wah Filter plug for Mac without luck for now… "
For your interest: The files were patched precisely the same to match
the Windows release. Best of luck. If it doesn’t work, apologies. As told,
it is by request, and there is no means to test other than you.
If it works for you, please respond in comments of the famous musician it is licensed to.
Also, feel free to add your own 2 cents about the release, even if it works.
Fingers crossed, but ignorance of MAC is strong. Rock on!
System Requirements
Mac OSX 10.11 or later (64 Bit).
Core2 Duo, or better (latest Intel i3 recommended) with 4GB minimum RAM
VST, VST3, or Audio Units compatible host/DAW
Pro Tools 11 or later for AAX format
Propellerhead Reason 7.1 or later for Rack Extension format
