Dark Mode for Safari 3.3.0 破解版 – Safari浏览器暗黑模式插件

Dark Mode for Safari 3.3.0 破解版 – Safari浏览器暗黑模式插件

Dark Mode for Safari Mac破解版是一款Safari浏览器暗黑模式修改工具。若您平常习惯使用Safari浏览器,那么安装这款Safari暗黑模式插件就可以在夜间使用了哦,尤其适合在夜间或光线较暗环境下工作的朋友




Dark Mode for Safari 3.3.0 破解版 – Safari浏览器暗黑模式插件
Dark Mode for Safari 3.3.0 破解版 – Safari浏览器暗黑模式插件
Dark Mode for Safari 3.3.0 破解版 – Safari浏览器暗黑模式插件

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Dark Mode for Safari Mac破解版是一款Safari浏览器暗黑模式修改工具。若您平常习惯使用Safari浏览器,那么安装这款Safari暗黑模式插件就可以在夜间使用了哦,尤其适合在夜间或光线较暗环境下工作的朋友
Dark Mode for Safari makes your browser more comfortable, enjoyable and cool by changing the colour scheme to make web pages easier to read. Works especially well for people working during the night or in low light environments or when you want to match your browser with the new Mojave dark mode look.
• Once you activate the extension all websites will display a darker theme. You can start the extension manually, you can schedule it or turn it on automatically (when macOS Mojave dark mode is active)
• Just press the tool bar button and you can change the theme to a softer or a mono theme
• You can deactivate the theme for any site or apply dark mode for some sites only
• A simple and powerful Safari extension
• Choose between 3 themes: Dark, Soft Dark or Mono
• Multiple ways to activate the extension: manually, schedule it for your preferred night hours or when macOS Mojave dark mode is on
• You can ignore any site or you can apply Dark Mode for some websites only
Compatibility: macOS 10.12 or later 64 bit
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