Cradle The God Particle 1.1.1 破解版 – 混音插件

Cradle The God Particle 1.1.1 破解版 – 混音插件

The God Particle——这是 Jaycen 混音总线上唯一的插件




Cradle The God Particle 1.1.1 破解版 – 混音插件

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十五次格莱美奖得主 Jaycen Joshua 是业内最抢手的混音工程师之一。
从碧昂斯 (Beyoncé) 和防弹少年团 (BTS) 到罗莎莉亚 (Rosalía) 和 Jay-Z,Jaycen 的作品跨越多种流派,巩固了他作为真正的声音工匠的地位。
Jaycen 对音乐和工程的无与伦比的热情一直在推动音乐制作的发展。
他对细节的关注和直观的混音方法启发了 The God Particle——这是 Jaycen 混音总线上唯一的插件。
Fifteen-time Grammy® winner, Jaycen Joshua is one of the most sought-after mix engineers in the industry.
From Beyoncé and BTS to Rosalía and Jay-Z, Jaycen’s credits span multiple genres, cementing his name as a true craftsman of sound.
light-years ahead
Jaycen’s unrivaled passion for music and engineering has consistently pushed the bounds of music production.
His attention to detail and intuitive approach to mixing inspired The God Particle — the only plug-in you’ll find on Jaycen’s mix bus.
System Requirements
macOS Mojave 10.14 and above
