Chameleon Adaptive Palette 2.4.5 破解版 – PS调色板插件

Chameleon Adaptive Palette 2.4.5 破解版 – PS调色板插件

ChamelEon Adaptive Palette for Mac是一款安装在photoshop上使用的ps调色板插件,ChamelEon Adaptive Palette插件提供了一个完整的调色板/色板系统,可以帮助用户更改前景色,功能很实用




Chameleon Adaptive Palette 2.4.5 破解版 – PS调色板插件

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ChamelEon Adaptive Palette for Mac是一款安装在photoshop上使用的ps调色板插件,ChamelEon Adaptive Palette插件提供了一个完整的调色板/色板系统,可以帮助用户更改前景色,功能很实用
Designed with concept artists and digital painters in mind. Chameleon Adaptive Palette is a smart palette/swatch system that adapts intelligently to keep you in the flow.
An entirely new panel based on the tech of the fabulously received Dynamic Swatches series. Chameleon Palette is a single panel that changes according to your needs. Feature rich and CPU light (it takes no resources while painting) it does everything the Dynamic Swatches did and more. All, again, in one incredibly flexible panel.
Chameleon Features:
Single Panel
A panel that can be placed anywhere, docked anywhere, and adopt any dimensions. From microscopic to full-screen. Fully Retina Friendly.
Direct color control of Solid Color and Vector Shape layers !
No more delving into additional color requesters to change colors of fill objects. If your current layer is a vector shape or Solid color etc; a single click on a Chameleon color will change that layer contents instantly.
User Color Strips!
A panel that can be placed anywhere, docked anywhere, and adopt any dimensions. From microscopic to full-screen. Fully Retina Friendly.
