AICopy 2.9.3 破解版 – 文本改写和论文查重工具

AICopy 2.9.3 破解版 – 文本改写和论文查重工具

探狐文案AICopy for Mac是一款专业的文本改写和论文查重工具,探狐文案mac版能够快速创建高转化率的内容文案、大学论文、产品说明等,还能轻松进行写作笔记改写和论文翻译查重,非常实用




AICopy 2.9.3 破解版 – 文本改写和论文查重工具
AICopy 2.9.3 破解版 – 文本改写和论文查重工具

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探狐文案AICopy for Mac是一款专业的文本改写和论文查重工具,探狐文案mac版能够快速创建高转化率的内容文案、大学论文、产品说明等,还能轻松进行写作笔记改写和论文翻译查重,非常实用,喜欢这款探狐文案AICopy的朋友可以来试试哦
Faster, Fresher,‍ Better Copy Tools!
Better AI Creatio, Essay, Summary and Copywriting tool. Whether you’re writing emails, essays, or social media posts, AICopy’s paraphrasing tool has your back.
Introduce the original and generate intelligent original text within 2 minutes with one click
100% safe and secure
Copy / paste the text, link to identify the imported text, and check plagiarism in real time
Provide a thesaurus supported by artificial intelligence to analyze the positive and negative emotional factors of the text
Summary tools summarize text highlights and let
help you filter research papers, news articles, and lengthy emails
Blog post
University Thesis
SEO articles
press release
News articles
Product description
Creative writer: use
to write unique articles with one click
College Students: generate University papers and high-quality papers in a few seconds
SEO Manager: article writing service can create real humanized content to meet the needs of search engines
Reporter: impress your readers and automatically create the first draft of your story
Blogger: your personal AI blog post generator can create perfect content for any market segment
Marketing expert: use AI copywriting software to automate your content marketing tasks
How does our
Marketing copywriting assistant has received Advertising Copywriting training worth 3 billion a year. So far, it is the only intelligent copywriting platform in China that has experienced practical combat.
Can create a large-scale marketing copy for you
As marketers, we have been trying to optimize our communication channels. Text is usually the best starting point, but it is also very time-consuming. Anyword accelerates the workflow by generating multiple marketing copy variants on a large scale so that you can do more and move on.
It can generate influential
for you
Use the world’s most accurate AI copywriting prediction model to get more traffic and transformation.
Version 2.1
Optimize GPT-3 related algorithm model parameters to improve algorithm accuracy.
Compatibility: macOS 10.15 or later
