Ray Dynamic Color for After Effects 2.5.8 破解版 – AE专业MG智能色彩搭配脚本

Ray Dynamic Color for After Effects 2.5.8 破解版 – AE专业MG智能色彩搭配脚本




Ray Dynamic Color for After Effects 2.5.8 破解版 – AE专业MG智能色彩搭配脚本

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AEscripts Ray Dynamic Color是一款功能强大的AE专业MG智能色彩搭配脚本。做MG动画时,常常会修改大量图形层的颜色,当元素图层多了之后就十分不好寻找,并且需要打开每个图层修改每个图形元素的颜色,十分浪费时间和精力,作为业界领先的After Effects调色板。 目前,即使场景中的多种颜色具有相同的颜色值,After Effects项目中的所有颜色都具有固定值。 这使得尝试不同颜色或更改颜色几乎是不可能的,因为您必须更改项目中每个元素的每个颜色。 Ray Dynamic Color不仅为您提供了颜色调色板,还可以在场景中的颜色值和调色板之间创建巧妙的链接。 这为我们提供了许多管理颜色的选择。AEscripts Ray Dynamic Color V2脚本可以自定义颜色,选中多个图层后一次性进行颜色修改,支持从Adobe Kuler导入色彩搭配
The industry leading Color Palette for After Effects.
Currently, all the colors in your After Effect project have a fixed value, even if multiple colors in your scene have the same color value. This makes trying a different color or changing one almost impossible because you have to change each individual color of every element in the project. Ray Dynamic Color not only gives you a color palette to color with, it can also create clever links between the color values in your scene and the color palette. This give us many options to manage colors. Watch the tutorials to learn how.
Color elements in your scene with one click using the Ray color palette
Color with or without “expression links”
“Link” and “Unlink” colors to and from a palette
Extract colors from your scene into a palette.
Change colors after they are applied.
Color shape layer strokes and fills individually.
Swap the colors of two color properties
Advanced color options to randomize and cycle colors of a palette
Compact, responsive user interface
Compatibility: After Effects CC 2019, CC 2018, CC 2017, CC 2015.3, CC 2015, CC 2014, CC, CS6, CS5.5, CS5
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