LAN Scan 1.12 破解版 – 局域网扫描工具

LAN Scan 1.12 破解版 – 局域网扫描工具

LAN Scan 是一款Mac OS X系统下的局域网扫描工具,它可以帮助用户快速扫描局域网内的设备




LAN Scan 1.12 破解版 – 局域网扫描工具
LAN Scan 1.12 破解版 – 局域网扫描工具
LAN Scan 1.12 破解版 – 局域网扫描工具

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LAN Scan 是一款Mac OS X系统下的局域网扫描工具,它可以帮助用户快速扫描局域网内的设备,并提供相关设备的详细信息,如IP地址、MAC地址、设备名称、操作系统等。此外,它还可以帮助用户发现局域网内的共享文件和打印机,方便用户进行文件共享和打印。
LAN Scan具有使用简单、扫描速度快、操作便捷等特点,是Mac用户进行局域网管理的好帮手。
LAN Scan is an application developed for Network Administrators and IT Managers but presented in a format targeted for non-professionals. This application allows you to view information about all the devices on a local network. Network devices are displayed in a very logical and convenient format for displaying the most pertinent information about each device.
See whats connected to your favorite public WiFi network or your home network. This all-in-one information application is an extremely fast and thorough security solution for every user.
— TCP Connect LAN Scanning: establish a TCP connection with each IP address on the network.
— ARP table Scanning: The ARP table is scanned for any devices attached to the network that doesn’t respond to a TCP connect.
— Also includes NetBios Scan, Bonjour Scan and Port Scanning
— Reverse DNS Lookup
— Wake On LAN functionality
— Dictionary lookups for MAC addresses, Port addresses and many Bonjour Services
— All information presented to the user in a easy to understand user interface
— Save previous Scans to reload and review later
All information gathered is presented to the user in a easy to understand user interface including dictionary look-ups for known MAC addresses, common port addresses and many bonjour services. This App is designed to give the user a complete understanding of all the devices connected to a local network and network services they are running.
Supported Operation System
• OS X 10.7 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor
