Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite 2027 破解版 – PS插件的套装

Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite 2027 破解版 – PS插件的套装

Imagenomic Professional一个插件的套装版本,包含多个插件;Portraiture带有预定义的一键式效果预设




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Imagenomic Professional Plugin Suite 2027 破解版 – PS插件的套装

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Imagenomic Professional一个插件的套装版本,包含多个插件;Portraiture带有预定义的一键式效果预设,与所有Imagenomic插件一样,您可以根据您的特定要求和摄影作品集自定义预设捕捉您自己的公司工作流程。Noiseware 是一种软件工具噪声抑制高性能,旨在减少或消除数码照片或扫描图像的噪点;RealGrain具有多种方法,可模拟不同胶片的颗粒图案,色彩和色调响应以及不同的扫描分辨率,从而传达真实的胶片般的图像效果。

All 3 Imagenomic Plugins together to power your creative workflow and bring the best out of your photos. Imagenomic’s plugins for retouching skin, reducing noise, and applying film-like looks take the pain out of postproduction.
Portraiture – Skin retouching
Automatic skin smoothing, healing and enhancing effect plugin.
Imagenomic has released the Portraiture 3 plug-in for Photoshop. The next-generation skin smoothing, healing and enhancing software builds on the tech of Version 2, with twice the speed and performance, plus output quality refinement that produces consistent and pleasing retouching results. Additional improvements include optimization for handling large image files shot with high-megapixel cameras and a new user interface for simpler navigation.
The new version is designed to enhance the photographer’s workflow, especially wedding and portrait shooters, with more precise masking and predefined presets. In fact, Imagenomic recently completed an exhaustive public beta test of Portraiture 3 and received “enthusiastic feedback from across the photographic and retouching communities, including some of the most respected photographers and educators in the industry,” notes the company.
Portraiture 3 is designed to provide seamless and time-saving steps for photography workflows, creative studios, and image production environments, with features and functions including:
Twice the speed and performance of the previous generation software
Optimized for quality and speed to effectively handle large image files taken with high megapixel cameras
Completely new User Interface for easier navigation
Precise Masking
Inimitable skin smoothing, healing and enhancing effects plugin.
Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5/ 2017/ 2018/ 2019
Version 3
Portraiture 3 features 8/16 bit
Only for Photoshop
Smart Filter and Action Support
Only for Photoshop
Custom filter preset support
Noiseware – Noise removal
Award-winning plugin and standalone for photo noise reduction
Realgrain – B&W, toning, film
Inimitable toning, film and grain effects plugin
System Requirements:
Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later 64 bit ,
For Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5 and later
