Denise God Mode 1.0.1 破解版 – 磁带饱和器音频插件

Denise God Mode 1.0.1 破解版 – 磁带饱和器音频插件

Denise God Mode for mac是一款磁带饱和器音频插件,God Mode的特殊技术使您无论音轨多么动态都可以创建完美平衡的饱和度,让您可以完全控制饱和和失真的频




Denise God Mode 1.0.1 破解版 – 磁带饱和器音频插件

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Denise God Mode for mac是一款磁带饱和器音频插件,God Mode的特殊技术使您无论音轨多么动态都可以创建完美平衡的饱和度,让您可以完全控制饱和和失真的频率,Denise God Mode的节点均衡器图和线性相位滤波器允许无限的选择来塑造声音的色彩。
灵感来自传说中的模拟Pultec EQ,它是50年代的无源电子管设备,在70年代/ 80年代广泛用于广播和混音。Pultec EQ会将特定频率范围的增益“推”到其电子管电路中,然后再次将其“拉回”,以平滑频率响应。这会产生接近原始声音的声音,但会在提升的频率范围内增加温暖感。Denise God Mode引入了该技术的现代版本
Denise God Mode introduces a new push-pull technology giving you full control over what frequencies to saturate and distort. It’s node EQ graph and linear phase filters allow for unlimited options to shape the coloration of your sound.
The push-pull technology is inspired by the legendary analog Pultec EQ, a passive tube eq from the 50s, widely used in the 70s/80s for both broadcasting and mixing. The Pultec EQ would ‘push’ the gain for a certain frequency range into its tube circuit, and would then ‘pull’ it back again, to smooth out the frequency response. This creates a sound close to the original but with a nice warmth added to the boosted frequency ranges. The God Mode introduces a modern version of this technique.
The first step to using the God Mode is to boost or ‘push’ certain frequencies in your track that you like to be more saturated or distorted. You can for example use one shelf to boost the highs and one peak to boost a certain color or resonance. Because you push these frequencies harder into the saturation algorithm, they will be naturally more affected by it. The second step is to decide if and how much ‘pull’ to apply to the boosted frequencies. This gives you creative control over the amount of coloration and the option to create a perfectly balanced frequency response for your track.
The God Mode’s push-pull technology allows you to create perfectly balanced saturation no matter how dynamic your track is. In addition, how sweet would it be to use multi band distortion in parallel or to create a proper dry/wet mix without phase issues? Because the God Mode uses linear phase filters, you can now blend in the effect as you please, either in a very extreme way for creative purposes or subtle additions during mastering. The God Mode gives you ultimate control and creativity.
Super easy-to-use Graph:
Unique Push & Pull technology.
Tape Analog VM algorithm on steroids that we’re known from the Bad Tape.
Linear Phase Filters: Pristine sound quality and in-phase dry/wet mixing.
Individual dry/wet panning.
Live recording mode with with zero latency.
Create rhythmical drive with the ‘side-tape’ side chain.
Subtle to extreme use on single track instruments, busses & mastering.
Thanks to are friends at Team R2R for supplying us with a new license
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