VideoScribe Pro 3.10.0 破解版 – 手绘动画制作软件

VideoScribe Pro 3.10.0 破解版 – 手绘动画制作软件

VideoScribe Pro 是一款专业且优秀的手绘动画制作软件,为用户提供丰富的素材,你可以随意搭配,从而让你能够以独有的风格来讲述故事




VideoScribe Pro 3.10.0 破解版 – 手绘动画制作软件

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VideoScribe Pro 是一款专业且优秀的手绘动画制作软件,为用户提供丰富的素材,你可以随意搭配,从而让你能够以独有的风格来讲述故事。
VideoScribe Pro免登录版内置上千种图片素材,你可以通过提供的素材编制出独具创意的手绘视频,而且该软件还支持云存储,你可以将你的作品存储到云端,不用再害怕丢失了。
VideoScribe Pro designed for both ability of entry and productivity in Whiteboard animations. Users from various fields of life like teachers, students, presenters, bloggers, vloggers, YouTubers, marketers and businessmen use it for creating prime quality and interesting content.
it’s a perfect program for creating hand-drawn, animated explainer videos. aside from this, it also gives users a range of chart and graph options which will be editied within the presentation.
The Graphical interface provided by VideoScribe is great plenty of useful images, icons animated gifs, and sound clips are available inside the Sparkol VideoScribe which are really helpful and make the whiteboard animation look more informative and pleasing.
It gives users complete controls to draw pictures and text in sequence on a virtual whiteboard for a uniquely engaging visual effect. With its powerful presentation tools, users can develop glorious presentations by using voice narration and a presenter-only view with notes and annotations
