Silicon 1.0.4 破解版 – 检测应用是否支持M1芯片

Silicon 1.0.4 破解版 – 检测应用是否支持M1芯片

Silicon 是一款帮助您检测应用是否兼容m1芯片的工具,它由 DigiDNA (iMazing 母公司开发并开源)。Silicon 通过扫描您的 macOS 应用程序目录,然后显示应用程序列表并显示其支持的 CPU 架构




Silicon 1.0.4 破解版 – 检测应用是否支持M1芯片
Silicon 1.0.4 破解版 – 检测应用是否支持M1芯片
Silicon 1.0.4 破解版 – 检测应用是否支持M1芯片

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Silicon 是一款帮助您检测应用是否兼容m1芯片的工具,它由 DigiDNA (iMazing 母公司开发并开源)。Silicon 通过扫描您的 macOS 应用程序目录,然后显示应用程序列表并显示其支持的 CPU 架构。专门用于检测应用是否原生 Apple Silicon 支持,也可以帮助你识别 Intel 架构的应用程序。
Silicon is a tool that helps you check if your application is compatible with the m1 chip, developed and open-sourced by DigiDNA (the parent company of iMazing). silicon scans your macOS application directory and then displays a list of applications and their supported CPU architectures. silicon is designed to check if an application is natively supported by Apple Silicon, and can also help you identify the Intel architecture. Designed to check if an application is natively supported by Apple Silicon, it can also help you identify applications with Intel architecture.
