EndNote 21.2 破解版 – 参考文献管理和写作软件

EndNote 21.2 破解版 – 参考文献管理和写作软件

EndNote 是一款 Mac 上专业的参考文献管理和写作软件,用来创建个人参考文献库,并且可以加入文本、图像、表格和方程式等内容及链接等信息,能够与 Microsoft Word 完美无缝链接




EndNote 21.2 破解版 – 参考文献管理和写作软件
EndNote 21.2 破解版 – 参考文献管理和写作软件
EndNote 21.2 破解版 – 参考文献管理和写作软件

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EndNote 是一款 Mac 上专业的参考文献管理和写作软件,用来创建个人参考文献库,并且可以加入文本、图像、表格和方程式等内容及链接等信息,能够与 Microsoft Word 完美无缝链接,方便地插入所引用文献并按照格式进行编排,EndNote 同时具有 iPad 版本,是论文写作的好助手!

EndNote is a bibliographic and references management software that helps you organizes the process of writing papers, essays and articles. It is the the industry standard software for publishing and managing citations, bibliographies and references. EndNote has consistently provided an intelligent features that make your life easier and give you more time to write about what matters most your research.
EndNote accelerates your research process in creating comprehensive records of your research materials and bibliographies. The program functions like a library catalog tool, letting you add new, manage, edit, search and remove items easily. Moreover, the program also allows you to categorize your records on various sections and groups, perform online searches in many public websites. With this program, you can focus on what matters most on your research without wasting hours for formatting citations, etc.
Key features:
Work from a single reference library
Search across reference metadata easily
File attachments, annotations and notes
Insert notes, citations and references
Automatically build a custom bibliography
Search online and find the right journals
Manage, edit, view and annotate PDF files
Maintain links to the original PDF files
Read, review, annotate and search PDFs
Automatic reference and link updating
Use library with collaborators worldwide
Update references automatically, and more.
What’s new in EndNote 20:
Insert in-text citations from library
Automatically build your bibliography
Refreshed journal and referencing styles
New tabs feature for easier multitasking
Large-scale literature analysis tools
Other bug fixes and improvements.
