Chikoo 1.1 破解版 – 文件管理软件

Chikoo 1.1 破解版 – 文件管理软件

Chikoo for Mac是一款强大的文件管理软件,他只适用于苹果电脑使用!Chikoo for Mac能够帮助你组织和管理你的任何文件,支持自定义属性,为你提供智能列表以帮助你快速查找文件,而且他拥有多个库为你进行智能文档归类查询!




Chikoo 1.1 破解版 – 文件管理软件

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Chikoo mac版是一款适用于mac平台上的文件管理软件。该软件界面简单清爽,功能也比较齐全,而且还可以帮助用户更好的管理设备中软件,清楚明白的罗列
Chikoo for Mac是一款强大的文件管理软件,他只适用于苹果电脑使用!Chikoo for Mac能够帮助你组织和管理你的任何文件,支持自定义属性,为你提供智能列表以帮助你快速查找文件,而且他拥有多个库为你进行智能文档归类查询!
列表,智能列表,列表文件夹:Chikoo库有一个侧边栏,在其中可以添加常规列表,智能列表,列表文件夹 - 就像在iTunes播放列表。
Chikoo is a file organizer for Mac.
Main features:
• Multiple libraries
Create as many libraries as you want and organize the files you want in each. For example, organize your items in a library and other films.
• Custom attributes
Chikoo do not limited to a fixed set of attributes encoded. For example, organize your articles regarding the name of the author ‘s father, or his films regarding the date of birth mascot principal. Everything depends on you.
• Type Groups
Organize the file extensions of your files in groups of their choice. For example, place the file extensions “mov” and “MP4” in the “Movies” group, and “jpg” and “png” in the group “Images”. This feature can be useful when several types of files are organized within a single library Chikoo.
• lists, smart lists and lists folders
libraries Chikoo have a sidebar where you can add regular lists, smart lists and lists folders as playlists from iTunes.
• Library Folders
By default, Chikoo leave the files in their existing locations to import them into a library. But you can also associate the folders of your choice with a library and make Chikoo automatically move or copy files to any of them after import. With Chikoo, you have complete control over where your files are in the file system.
