BreadStorm 3.2.0 破解版 – 面包配方软件

BreadStorm 3.2.0 破解版 – 面包配方软件

BreadStorm for mac是Mac上的一款学习制作面包的软件,能够创造,编辑和解释面包配方,同时你还能分享你的面包配方给所有那些面包师们




BreadStorm 3.2.0 破解版 – 面包配方软件

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BreadStorm for mac是Mac上的一款学习制作面包的软件,能够创造,编辑和解释面包配方,同时你还能分享你的面包配方给所有那些面包师们。非常适合专业面包师,家庭/业余爱好面包师,面包店学生,面包店学徒,新面包配方的面包店开发人员以及面包科学领域的研究人员使用
BreadStorm makes bread formulas accessible to, usable by, and sharable with all bread bakers—professional bakers, home/hobby bakers, students of boulangerie, bakery apprentices, in-bakery developers of new bread formulas, and researchers in the field of bread science. We believe that the best way to become a better baker is to communicate clearly and often with other bread bakers. BreadStorm’s mission is to support clear communication about bread.
Formulas were tricky before BreadStorm. Before BreadStorm, managing bread formulas felt so daunting and time-consuming, most bread bakers avoided the task. And with good reason: the available tools (pencil and paper, or a spreadsheet program) were ill-suited to bakers’ needs. A minority of ambitious bakers picked up pencils or dove into spreadsheets. And in doing so, they often introduced hard-to-find errors into their formulas. These errors led to production mistakes, wasted time and effort, and frustration. Each baker’s formulas tended to be idiosyncratic and difficult for other bread bakers to read, be inspired by, and bake from. And each formula took 30-60 minutes to work out, an unwanted distraction from the rhythm of kneading, fermenting, shaping, proofing, baking, learning.
BreadStorm saves time, catches errors, and makes communicating easy. Today in 1-2 minutes, you can enter a formula into BreadStorm, and the software does all the math for you. Use BreadStorm to translate ingredient weights into baker’s percentages. Then use BreadStorm to scale bread formulas to the quantities desired. Any errors are caught before they distract you from your baking process. Formulas can be edited, saved for later use, or shared with a bread-baking friend, colleague, student, or teacher. Managing one’s bread formulas is no longer a daunting, time-consuming task—now it’s a simple pleasure.
Why bread formulas? A baker who can create, edit, and interpret bread formulas can: Taste a bread in one’s imagination, before ever having baked it. Accurately compare one bread formula with another, to build up knowledge about bread. Quickly and easily make changes to a formula, while developing awareness of how these changes interact with other elements of the bread (such as hydration, salt, sugars, and fats). You could say, bread formulas are a theoretical aspect of bread baking. When understood and brought to the mixing bowl, formulas enable deeper understanding of the craft, better-reasoned decision-making, and more fluent communication with fellow bakers.
