Activedock 1.19 破解版 – Dock增强工具

Activedock 1.19 破解版 – Dock增强工具




Activedock 1.19 破解版 – Dock增强工具

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ActiveDock for Mac是Mac平台上一款Dock增强工具,而且可以完全代替Apple Dock来工作,ActiveDock 让应用程序和窗口之间的切换更加便捷,还支持自定义Dock。
外观优雅的应用程序启动程序,带有windows预览和主题支持,设计为MacOS Dock的更强大的替代方案。
ActiveDock是一个极简的应用程序启动程序,它是苹果MacOS Dock的一个更好、功能更全的选项,窗口预览显示在应用程序图标、开始菜单和主题之上。
Application Launcher, improved MacOS Dock, Dock alternative to Apple, uBar, HyperDock.
ActiveDock is a complete replacement for Apple Dock with personalization. Tools to change more quickly between applications and windows, and window management from the previews in the dock.
Save time when working with many applications at once.
Quick access to applications and documents you need.
Customize the look and custom icons for applications.
“Start” button to start Windows style applications.
Create groups and application folders and documents for quick access.
Hide or exclude application icons in the Dock.
