Rebel Inc Escalation 反叛公司 破解版

Rebel Inc Escalation 反叛公司 破解版





Rebel Inc Escalation 反叛公司 破解版
Rebel Inc Escalation 反叛公司 破解版
Rebel Inc Escalation 反叛公司 破解版



继狂揽 1.6 亿玩家的全球大热游戏《瘟疫公司》之后,《反叛公司:局势升级》为您奉上扣人心弦的战略挑战,其灵感皆来源于当代叛乱反制工作的复杂性质及相关成果。本游戏业已收获国际发展问题专家赞誉,并成功在重要跨国和平会议上亮相!
8 处维和区域 – 亲赴状况各异的战略环境任职,从“浑黄平原”的轻风农场到“边远草原”的茂密丛林应有尽有。固守“蔚蓝堤坝”抵御叛军攻势,或转战“鸦片小道”采取新颖措施遏制毒 品 贸易。
8 名独特治理者 – 每位治理者的能力各具特色。提拔“经济学家”单次收取全年预算,仰赖“军阀”训练私人佣兵,重用“坦克车长”召唤钢铁洪流,或借“走私者”之手染指黑市。
超级真实 – 借鉴于阿富汗局势,本游戏模拟程序极富细节,并内含现实世界发展项目及平叛战术的创造性呈现。本作曾受世界银行肯定,并成功现身主要国际和平论坛。
战役模式 – 实施大型跨域行动。仔细斟酌资源配置,并从 150 余项玩家战术、地图特性和叛军战术中选取特殊升级项目,以便应对玩法迥然不同的连贯新世界!
多人对抗游戏 – 操控叛乱分子,尝试推翻敌对区域政府,同时全力稳定己方局势!游戏难度可动态调整,以确保不同技能水平的玩家都能享受极具挑战性的精彩对决。
多人合作游戏 – 玩家之间通力协作,同时稳定两个各自独立的区域。向队友输送士兵和资源以实现目标。难度不断加码的合作战役也值得一试。
挑战模式 – 每周接受随机挑战,与 Steam 社区玩家一争高下,更有专为精英玩家准备的困难模式可供体验。
自定义场景与场景编辑器 – 投身官方和社区场景以探索游戏新世界,或通过编辑器打造专属场景内容。
高级军民人工智能 – 复杂叙事性算法勾勒当地民众多样诉求,叛军冷酷袭击亦向维和行动持续施压。
精良画面 – 着手稳定渲染精美的实时反馈 3D 世界。完善辖区就业及服务建设,并见证社区日益繁荣。无人机镜头与民用电视频道生动展现我方行动区域的细枝末节。
《反叛公司:局势升级》在保留原版广受好评的游玩方式基础上为 PC 和 Mac 平台添加重大崭新特性、增强音乐、改良 3D 画质、在线多人游戏模式以及 Steam 创意工坊支持。
From the creator of ‘Plague Inc: Evolved’ comes a unique and deeply engaging political/military strategic simulation.
In Rebel Inc: Escalation, the war is ‘over’ - but we all know that doesn’t mean anything. In order to stabilise a war-torn country, you need to balance competing military and civilian priorities to win the hearts and minds of the people, whilst also stopping a deadly insurgency from seizing power!
Following on from the global mega hit ‘Plague Inc.’ with over 160 million players, Rebel Inc: Escalation offers a deeply engaging, strategic challenge inspired by the complexities and consequences of modern counter insurgency. It has received acclaim from international development experts and was even featured at a major international peace conference!
8 regions to stabilise - Deploy to wildly different strategic environments, including the gentle farms of ‘Saffron Fields’, or the impenetrable forests of ‘Distant Steppe’. Work to defend the ‘Azure Dam’ from the Insurgency, or develop unique new strategies to counter the drug trade in ‘Opium Fields’.
8 unique governors - Each one with radical new abilities to master. Choose the ‘Economist’ to receive an entire year’s income in one go or the ‘Warlord’ to train a personal militia. Field an army of heavy armour with the ‘Tank Commander’, or tap into the black-market with the ‘Smuggler’.
Hyper-realistic - Inspired by Afghanistan, the simulation is highly detailed, containing real world development initiatives and an innovative representation of counter insurgency tactics. It has been praised by the World Bank and was even featured at a major international peace conference.
Campaign Mode - Conduct large-scale operations across multiple regions. Carefully manage resources and choose unique upgrades in a persistent world with 150+ Player Tactics, Map Features and Insurgent Tactics to radically mix up gameplay!
Vs Multiplayer - Take control of the Insurgency to try and topple the government in your opponent’s Region, whilst trying to stabilise your own! Dynamically scaling difficulty ensures that players of different skill levels can have a good, challenging game.
Co-Op Multiplayer - Work together to simultaneously stabilise two separate Regions, sending soldiers and resources to your partner to achieve your goals. Or jump into a Co-Op Campaign of escalating difficulty.
Challenge Mode - Compete against the Steam Community on randomised Weekly Challenges, including an extra hard mode for the best of the best.
Custom Scenarios & Scenario Creator - Explore a world of fresh new ways to play with official and community created Scenarios, or develop your own share them with other players via Steam Workshop. Who said Nation Building was hard?
Advanced civilian and military AI - Sophisticated narrative algorithms model the needs of local populations, while deadly insurgent attacks put constant pressure on your operation.
Gorgeous Graphics - Stabilise a beautifully rendered 3D world that responds to your actions and thrives as you provide jobs and services. Drone cams and civilian TV channels bring your operation to life and show you what’s happening on the ground.
