植物大战僵尸 for macOS 2.0 破解版

植物大战僵尸 for macOS 2.0 破解版





植物大战僵尸 for macOS 2.0 破解版



《植物大战僵尸》(Plants vs. Zombies,简称PVZ)是由PopCap Games为Windows、Mac OS X及iPhone OS系统开发,并于2009年5月5日发售的一款益智策略类塔防御战游戏。玩家通过武装多种植物切换不同的功能,快速有效地把僵尸阻挡在入侵的道路上。不同的敌人,不同的玩法构成五种不同的游戏模式,加之夕阳、浓雾以及泳池之类的障碍增加了游戏挑战性。
游戏开始只有冒险模式,分别在五个场景进行,每个场景10关。冒险模式即是正统的使用植物阻止僵尸进房的模式,在每关中,僵尸会发动数次大的进攻。玩家通过进行总共50关游戏,解开全部40种绿卡植物。随后解开小游戏模式。小游戏模式是将许多经典小游戏附加上植物和僵尸的元素,其中有同样由宝开开发的著名解迷游戏《宝石迷阵》与《怪怪水族箱》,不同平台的版本有不同的小游戏;有两个是植物僵尸游戏 (ZomBotany, ZomBotany 2),即僵尸的头部换成攻击性和防御性的植物。解密模式共18关,分两个系列:一个系列是一次给予一定数量的罐子 (Vasebreaker),砸碎罐子随机掉出植物或僵尸,玩家需要不断砸碎罐子,并用掉出的植物阻止掉出的僵尸;第二个系列则让玩家操纵僵尸去吃大脑 (I, Zombie), 玩家需要用不同策略来用僵尸击败植物,吃掉大脑。生存模式回归正统,共11关,前10关在五个场景中进行,每个场景分为普通和困难两种。在普通模式中,共有5波,每一波僵尸后有重新选择植物的机会,大部分威力强大的僵尸不会出现。而在困难模式中共有10波,每两波才有机会选择植物,难度比正常关卡大。第11关称为“无尽模式(endless)”,即僵尸不会像正统关卡中那样只出现两波,而是会不断出现。不过玩家在每两波僵尸间有一次重新选择植物的机会。为了提高难度,有一种正常关卡没有的特强僵尸将出现,且由第30波开始,僵尸会多得难以应付,但每一关都有可能通过。
Plants vs. Zombies is a video game franchise developed by PopCap Games, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts (EA). The first game, Plants vs. Zombies, was developed and released by PopCap before its acquisition by EA. After PopCap Games’s acquisition, EA expanded the game into a franchise with games on many different platforms.
On April 1, 2009, PopCap released a music video for the song “Zombies on your Lawn” to promote Plants vs. Zombies. A PopCap spokesperson, Garth Chouteau, revealed in an IGN interview that Plants vs. Zombies would be released soon on PC and Mac. On April 22, 2009, PopCap released an official game trailer of Plants vs. Zombies on YouTube. During the promotion of Plants vs. Zombies, PopCap released a demo version of the game that could be played for thirty minutes. Plants vs. Zombies was officially released on May 5, 2009, for PC and Mac.
PopCap Games and its assets were bought by EA on July 12, 2011, for 750 million dollars. Fifty employees were laid off in the Seattle studio of PopCap Games on August 21, 2012, to mark a switch of focus to mobile and social gaming.
On August 20, 2012, PopCap announced that they were working on a sequel to Plants vs. Zombies. Its release date would be set at late spring of 2013. However, the game’s status was in doubt shortly after the announcement when the company went through a period of layoffs.
In May 2013, PopCap Games released a trailer revealing a sequel to the first game, titled Plants vs. Zombies 2: It’s About Time. The game was soft-launched for the iOS in Australia and New Zealand on July 10, 2013, and was officially released on August 14, 2013, as a freemium title. The game featured new locations and plants along with the addition of plant food, a power-up that can be used to enhance a plant for a short period and can either be bought using in-game currency or acquired by defeating zombies that are glowing green.
In July 2019, EA announced Plants vs. Zombies 3, another free-to-play mobile title in the series. It was launched in a pre-alpha state for Android in July 2019. The game soft-launched in February 2020 in the Philippines, Romania, and Ireland. It was then made unavailable in October 2020, becoming unplayable in November 2020. EA has plans to release an improved version of the game in the future. On September 7, 2021, Plants vs. Zombies 3 was soft launched again with substantial changes, such as two-dimensional graphics and the return of the Sunflower.
