YesLogic Prince 15.2 破解版 – 出版商用来排版和打印

YesLogic Prince 15.2 破解版 – 出版商用来排版和打印

YesLogic Prince 是一款基于服务器软件的打印软件,如果你需要打印报告或发票的Web应用程序,Prince 15可以快速轻松地创建可打印,存档或下载PDF文件




YesLogic Prince 15.2 破解版 – 出版商用来排版和打印

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Welcome to website every day

YesLogic Prince 是一款基于服务器软件的打印软件,如果你需要打印报告或发票的Web应用程序,Prince 15可以快速轻松地创建可打印,存档或下载PDF文件。除此之外,这款软件可以快速轻松地创建可打印,存档或下载的PDF文件。它非常灵活,功能强大,能够生成与严格指定的图形设计相匹配的自定义PDF。
Convert your HTML documents to PDF. Beautiful printing with simple CSS.
Dynamic data-driven documents
Prince is an ideal printing component for server-based software, such as web applications that need to print reports or invoices. Using Prince, it is quick and easy to create PDF files that can be printed, archived, or downloaded.
Electronic publishing
Prince can also be used by authors and publishers to typeset and print documents written in HTML, XHTML, or one of the many XML-based document formats. Prince is capable of formatting academic papers, journals, magazines, and books.
Key Features
Powerful Layout
Web Standards
PDF Output
Easy Integration
Fonts & Unicode
Friendly Support
