Websnapperpro 2.3.5 破解版 – 网页快速捕捉工具

Websnapperpro 2.3.5 破解版 – 网页快速捕捉工具




Websnapperpro 2.3.5 破解版 – 网页快速捕捉工具

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WebSnapperPro 是一款macOS平台的网页快速捕捉工具,它能够快速的将电脑网页转换为尺寸合理的PDF文档及JPEG等6种格式图片。WebSnapperPro for Mac 激活版捕捉网页的方式也是十分简单,只需要将网址链接拖入软件绿色区域即会进入加载状态,需要的朋友快来下载吧!

WebSnapperPro allows you to capture web pages exactly as they appear in your browser. The entire page, not just a visible capture “screenshot”, eliminating the need to cut, paste and crop multiple snapshots. Screenshots can be saved in several formats, including PDF, and multiple web pages can be assembled into a multi-page PDF, a Web page by page.
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