Watermark Sense 1.4.4 破解版 – 批量图像水印添加工具

Watermark Sense 1.4.4 破解版 – 批量图像水印添加工具

Watermark Sense for mac是一种柔性批量图像水印实用程序。它使您能够实现伟大创造性的结果,在批处理模式下,节省大量的时间在进行重复性任务的时候




Watermark Sense 1.4.4 破解版 – 批量图像水印添加工具
Watermark Sense 1.4.4 破解版 – 批量图像水印添加工具
Watermark Sense 1.4.4 破解版 – 批量图像水印添加工具

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Watermark Sense for mac是一种柔性批量图像水印实用程序。它使您能够实现伟大创造性的结果,在批处理模式下,节省大量的时间在进行重复性任务的时候。通过Watermark Sense for mac你可以轻松地保护您的知识产权,推广你的品牌,或只是一次多个图像添加一些有用的信息。Watermark Sense for mac界面简单,操作简便,是一款非常值得推荐的图像批量水印工具。
Protect your intellectual property, promote your brand, add informational overlays, and stamp many images at a time. Achieve beautiful and creative results with the flexible blending options. Generate watermark text from image metadata. Enjoy great flexibility and save a lot of time when processing many images!
Watermark Sense supports both text and image watermarks. It gives you a full control over the watermark appearance, offering a rich set of fine-tuning options and visual effects. For example, you can configure the watermark opacity, choose a blending mode, apply shadow, replicate the watermark, etc. A text watermark can be generated based on the image EXIF / IPTC metadata, providing incredible automation capabilities.
Watermark Sense enables you to save your watermark configurations, as well as export settings (output file naming and format), as custom presets. You never need to enter the same configuration twice! Using custom presets, you can even apply several watermarks to every image, or save every image multiple times with different watermarks, all in a single batch operation!
Watermark Sense provides a live preview of the final watermarked image. Sometimes you might wish to have a better control over the watermark positioning than a batch configuration can offer. For those cases Watermark Sense supports manual positioning of the watermark in preview for individual images. Moreover, you can even synchronize the manual positioning between images.
Watermark Sense also enables batch rotation, flipping, EXIF / IPTC metadata editing, and powerful renaming.
Watermark Sense is mutually integrated with the flexible batch image resizing / cropping utility Resize Sense. They can act as a single application when required. Together they form a flexible and efficient image processing toolset for web publishing and other needs.
What’s New
• Enable saving in the HEIC file format on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and later
• Bug fix: It was sometimes impossible to move the image watermark manually in Preview
• Bug fix: Preferences panel didn’t close
Compatibility: OS X 10.9 or later, 64-bit processor
