您还在为您日渐爆满的磁盘空间烦恼吗?那么就来使用Tweak and Tuneup for Mac这款强大的系统优化工具,它是是一个大量的工具集合体,可以帮助您轻松提高Mac工具的性能,您不必手动删除Mac以节省磁盘空间。只需点击任何这些工具,Tweak and Tuneup帮您轻松解决!
Tweak and Tuneup is a collection of massive powerful tools to enhance the performance of your Mac.These massive tools in one application are solely to sustain and maintain the power of your Mac. You do not have to manually clear your Mac to save disk space. Simply one-click on any of these tools and relax to see the magic of Tweak and Tuneup.
Features :
– One-Click cleaning: Includes four essential clean up tools that clean up user cache files, log files, trash files and partially downloaded files. A lot of invaluable space is recovered. Tweak and Tuneup automatically detects such files and folders that waste space.
– Optimization: It includes two powerful optimization tools where you can keep your Mac non-susceptible to duplicacy of unnecessary data and can even drag-and-drop uninstall any app easily.
– Manual Cleaning: It includes three useful tools that can help you protect your internet privacy, clean miscellaneous data and large files that occupy more disk space.
– Security: You can shred out your private data securely.
What’s Special?
– User friendly interface with all-in-one cleaning tools.
– One-Click cleaning feature cleans up your Mac within seconds.
– Safely release gigabytes of invaluable disk space.
– No manual efforts required in cleaning.
Compatibility: OS X 10.6 or later
Tweak and Tuneup 4.3.0 破解版 – 系统优化工具集合应用
Tweak and Tuneup for Mac这款强大的系统优化工具,它是是一个大量的工具集合体,可以帮助您轻松提高Mac工具的性能,您不必手动删除Mac以节省磁盘空间