Syncovery 破解版 – 自动备份同步工具

Syncovery 破解版 – 自动备份同步工具

Syncovery Pro 自动备份同步工具企业正式版,SynCovery自动备份软件原名Super Flexible Synchronizer,是目前功能最为强大的实时自动备份工具出色的应用程序




Syncovery 破解版 – 自动备份同步工具
Syncovery 破解版 – 自动备份同步工具
Syncovery 破解版 – 自动备份同步工具

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Syncovery Pro 自动备份同步工具企业正式版,SynCovery自动备份软件原名Super Flexible Synchronizer,是目前功能最为强大的实时自动备份工具出色的应用程序,用于备份数据和同步PC,服务器和笔记本电脑。
用户可以选择最适合他们的用户界面:向导模式或高级模式。 这些设置存储在多个配置文件中,该软件支持FTP和安全FTP服务器,SSH,WebDAV,Amazon S3,http,部分文件更新,ZIP压缩,数据加密,和自动备份的调度程序。 调度程序可以作为服务运行,无需用户登录。
Syncovery’s multi-threaded folder listing algorithm provides an unparalleled speed, and easily handles millions of files and huge numbers of folders. Even more speed can be gained with our Destination File List Cache
This will help you save bandwidth as well as backup space. Syncovery can detect changed blocks in large files, and copy only these. The detection works by keeping checksums in a database, or with the help of the Syncovery Remote Service, or by using our revolutionary File System Monitoring Service
Real-Time Synchronization will make sure that changes are synced quickly. Syncovery listens to file system events and quickly performs the appropriate actions. For cloud servers, it can use polling to detect changes. These features are available on Windows and macOS only.
The SmartTracking sync mode is frequently used in two-way sync jobs. It can detect moved files, deleted files, and conflicts (files changed on both sides).
Syncovery allows you to keep multiple versions of modified files, allowing you to restore your files from an earlier date. The restore date can be chosen for individual files or multiple files, in our Restore Wizard.
Syncovery’s advanced NTFS copying features, high speed, and scaleability enable you to perform large-scale migrations.
