SideNotes 1.4.15 破解版 – 笔记软件

SideNotes 1.4.15 破解版 – 笔记软件





SideNotes 1.4.15 破解版 – 笔记软件
SideNotes 1.4.15 破解版 – 笔记软件
SideNotes 1.4.15 破解版 – 笔记软件

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Welcome to website every day

SideNotes keeps you from juggling with windows when searching for notes. The app always appears on top of other windows – you can easily hide it or pull it out from the side of your monitor with one click or with a keyboard shortcut. You can even use just your keyboard to work with your notes. Everything is in its place and you still have place for everything.
With SideNotes you can:
smoothly pull out your notes from outside your monitor and easily hide them back
mark notes with colors and group them into folders
drag and drop pictures directly from your web browser
save links, code snippets or even colors
create task lists and mark items done
create notes directly from the pasteboard
drop text files or folders
use 3 text formatting modes: Markdown, Plain Text and Code.
What’s New:
Version 1.2.1
Quick fix: changing backup location for the first time didn’t work until app is restarted.
From 1.2 release:
This release was focused on automatic backups. Now, if you delete any note or folder accidentally, you can try to restore it using previous backup. New version also brings other improvements. Here is a full list of changes:
new app icon
spell checking
UI improvements
cmd+click a file preview to reveal file in Finder
clicking a rendered color saves it in the Pasteboard
Preferences: an option to enter a folder with return key
Preferences: setting line height
Preferences: setting paragraph spacing
Preferences: an option to disable escape key
Improved performance of long notes
Removing indention or task if a user pressed return 2 times
Enhanced drag and drop into text
Adding space after a dropping link
FIXED: some users experienced an issue that application didn’t allow to enter any text
FIXED: moving note should go on top
FIXED: checkmark was barely visible
FIXED: it was possible to enter full screen with keyboard shortcuts
FIXED: modifying checkmark didn’t save changed immediately
Compatibility: OS X 10.14 or later 64-bit
