SD Maid SE Pro 1.0.1 破解版 – 储存卡垃圾文件清理工具

SD Maid SE Pro 1.0.1 破解版 – 储存卡垃圾文件清理工具

SD女佣「SD Maid Pro」for Android – System Cleaning Tool ,是一款非常强大专业的手机储存卡垃圾文件清理工具,原生简体中文,原生无广告、功能非常全,且清理占用空间软少




SD Maid SE Pro 1.0.1 破解版 – 储存卡垃圾文件清理工具
SD Maid SE Pro 1.0.1 破解版 – 储存卡垃圾文件清理工具
SD Maid SE Pro 1.0.1 破解版 – 储存卡垃圾文件清理工具

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和 windows 系统一样垃圾清理也是 Android 系统无法挣脱的魔咒!只要手机使用时间一长,各种缓存数据和卸载应用所遗留的垃圾文件就越积越多,如果不及时清理,不仅占用储存空间,严重时还会拖慢手机的运行速度。这时候就该轮到今天的主角手机垃圾清理利器 —— SD女佣 登场大显身手了!
SD女佣「SD Maid Pro」for Android – System Cleaning Tool ,是一款非常强大专业的手机储存卡垃圾文件清理工具,原生简体中文,原生无广告、功能非常全,且清理占用空间软少,操作简便。由于运行在超级权限之上,所以能够对系统垃圾进行清理,非常给力。可谓是手机SD卡垃圾清理安卓必备之利器!本版本为破解专业版,解锁全部功能!
SD Maid will help you keep your device clean and tidy! It offers a collection of tools to manage apps and files.
• Nobody is perfect and neither is Android.
• Apps you have already removed leave something behind.
• Logs, crash reports and other files you don’t really want are constantly being created.
• Your storage is collecting files and directories you don’t recognize.
• Let’s not go on here… Let SD Maid help you!
• Browse your whole device and manipulate files through a full-fledged file explorer.
• Remove superfluous files from your system.
• Manage installed user and system apps.
• Detect files formerly belonging to uninstalled apps.
• Search for files by name, content or date.
• Obtain a detailed overview of your devices storage.
• Optimize databases.
• Do actual app cleaning and remove expendable files, which supersedes what others may call ‘cache cleaning’.
• Detect duplicate pictures, music or documents, independent of name or location.
• Run tools automatically on a schedule or via widgets.
Requirements: Android 5.0+ | File size: 8,29 MB
