NoteList 4.3.4 破解版 – 数据存储工具

NoteList 4.3.4 破解版 – 数据存储工具

NoteList 4 for Mac是一款非常实用的数据存储工具。这是一款数据存储和管理工具,允许您管理笔记,文本格式或RTF,其中包含或不包含图像




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NoteList 4.3.4 破解版 – 数据存储工具
NoteList 4.3.4 破解版 – 数据存储工具
NoteList 4.3.4 破解版 – 数据存储工具

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NoteList 4 for Mac是一款非常实用的数据存储工具。这是一款数据存储和管理工具,允许您管理笔记,文本格式或RTF,其中包含或不包含图像。类别可根据用户需要进行编辑,并向用户提供主文档,以便在文档中编录和浏览笔记。
用户可以随时按类别或内容,创建日期和修改日期,使用菜单弹出式窗口或搜Space Drop索键来搜索和过滤笔记
NoteList allows you to manages notes, in text format or RTF with or without images inside. A NoteList document contains a list of notes in a table and the selected note in details. The user can edit and modify the selected note at any time.
Simply and elegant the peculiar use of ‘color categories’ makes the app totally unique. It’s ideal to manage a high numbers of notes inside a single document, even when size of any note is very large.
NoteList allows to catalog notes in categories, assigning a specific category to any note. Categories are identified by labels. Any category label can have a different color to allow to identify the content of notes at the first sight.
Categories are editable as the user needs and they give to the user the main instrument to catalog and browse notes inside a document. The user can create and manage how many categories he needs inside any document.
The user can at any time search and filter notes by category or by content, creation date and modification date, using a menu popups or a search key. You can select to open document already sorted in the way you like.
Any note can be modified and edited, dragging and dropping images from the finder and applying font, style and size as in a true word processor. Various tools are available to manipulate text, search and replace, rules, spelling. At any time a note can be converted to a text only format.
If the user need to make a note from any file on disk, it’s enough to drag from the finder the file icon and drop it on the list of the notes inside the app. A new note with the file content will be created.
Anything inside NoteList is Spotlight enabled and fully searchable via Spotlight, even when NoteList is not running.
Lion ready with Resume, Auto Save, Versions, Full screen. Sandbox complaint on OS X Lion and successive.
NoteList allows the user to specify a startup document to open at the application launch by default.
Fully compatible with OS X 10.7 Lion. It can work also with OS X 10.6.6 Snow Leopard
Document based, allows to organize your data in more then one file
Any document can contain an unlimited number of notes
Saves document always with auto recovery on
Allows to have note in any format: TEXT, RTF, RTFD (RTF + images)
Copy and Paste from Safari preserves formatting and links
Full set of tools for formatting and working with text as in a word processor
Drag and Drop of images directly inside a document note to embed it.
Dragging and dropping a TXT, RTF, RTFD file creates a new note inside the document
Color label categories to help organize all your notes
Fast internal search as you type and by category
Sort in list by Creation Date and Modification Date
Lion ready with Resume, Auto Save, Versions, Full screen, Sandbox
Spotlight native since the first release
Native Help system
Embedded PDF user guide
What’s New:
Version 4.2:
Optimized for macOS 11 Big Sur
Universal format for Apple silicon and Intel-based Mac
Better text behaviour switching from Dark mode to Classic mode
Bug fix
Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor
