Nice Clipboard 1.6.1 破解版 – 剪贴板历史管理

Nice Clipboard 1.6.1 破解版 – 剪贴板历史管理

Nice Clipboard 是一个剪贴板历史管理软件。它是通过你的Mac和iOS设备同步的iCloud和使用苹果的最新技术是轻量级和超高速建成




Nice Clipboard 1.6.1 破解版 – 剪贴板历史管理

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Nice Clipboard 是一个剪贴板历史管理软件。它是通过你的Mac和iOS设备同步的iCloud和使用苹果的最新技术是轻量级和超高速建成。这些功能使您的剪贴板更有用的工具,在您的日常生活。

Excellent implementation of a clipboard manager – probably the fifth I’ve had and my favorite. Clean, attractive, easy to use design. It is not required-setup-iCloud sync with other Macs and iOS devices. I settled on my two Macs – never had to select your preferences. Copying things for a Mac, and bingo – just worked. Not everything was on the other Mac. “- By MitchLA
Nice Clipboard is a clipboard manager of history that is always waiting icon on the menu bar on your Mac or on your home screen on your iPhone. It syncs via iCloud between Macs and iOS devices and is built using latest Apple to be lightweight and super – fast technologies. These features make the clipboard much more useful tool in your daily life.
