Navicat Charts Viewer 1.2.17 破解版 – 查看图表工作区文件

Navicat Charts Viewer 1.2.17 破解版 – 查看图表工作区文件

Navicat Charts Viewer 是一款查看图表工作区文件的高级工具,它允许你浏览由 Navicat 的 Charts 功能或 Navicat Charts Creator 设计的工作区




Navicat Charts Viewer 1.2.17 破解版 – 查看图表工作区文件
Navicat Charts Viewer 1.2.17 破解版 – 查看图表工作区文件
Navicat Charts Viewer 1.2.17 破解版 – 查看图表工作区文件

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Navicat Charts Viewer 是一款查看图表工作区文件的高级工具,它允许你浏览由 Navicat 的 Charts 功能或 Navicat Charts Creator 设计的工作区。 您可以访问本地工作空间文件,或存储在 Navicat Cloud 或 Navicat On-Prem Server 中的工作空间文件。Navicat Charts Viewer 允许你与没有在他的计算机上运行 Navicat 和 Navicat Charts Creator 但安装了 Navicat Charts Viewer 的人共享工作区文件。 它极大地增加了查看工作区文件的灵活性和便利性。 它还使您能够将仪表板导出为 PDF 文件和其他图像文件格式。
Navicat Charts Viewer is an easy-to-use tool for viewing Charts workspace files. With its friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI), Navicat Charts Viewer allows you to navigate workspaces designed by Navicat’s Charts feature or Navicat Charts Creator. You can access local workspace files, or workspace files stored in Navicat Cloud or Navicat On-Prem Server.
Navicat Charts Viewer allows you to share workspace files with someone who does not have Navicat and Navicat Charts Creator running on his computer but has Navicat Charts Viewer installed. It highly increases the flexibility and convenience for viewing workspace files. It also gives you the ability to export dashboards to PDF files and other image file formats.
Other useful features
Print and export dashboard
Search Filter
Dark theme
*** You need to disable the System Integrity Protection (SIP) to perform the selected Application and Gatekeeper off!
What’s New:
Version 1.2.14:
Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.
Compatibility: macOS 10.14 or later
