MemoryTamer 1.5.2 破解版 – RAM内存释放应用

MemoryTamer 1.5.2 破解版 – RAM内存释放应用




MemoryTamer 1.5.2 破解版 – RAM内存释放应用

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MemoryTamer for Mac能快速修剪内存使用情况以保持内存空闲,而且不会减慢计算机的速度,如果有需要的朋友就快来看看吧。

A light, unobtrusive and handy menulet specially made to automatically free up memory every time the amount of free RAM reaches a given value
MemoryTamer is a straightforward macOS application designed to free up precious memory when your Mac runs out of RAM.
Moreover, the MemoryTamer utility quietly runs in the background and offers you information about the amount of free RAM that you have at your disposal.
Unobtrusive and practical menulet that keeps RAM usage under control
By accessing MemoryTamer’s status bar menu, you can free memory with just a click of a mouse button and customize the settings of the menulet.
By default, MemoryTamer automatically initiates the RAM cleaning process every time the amount of free memory goes lower than a certain level. The Preferences sub-menu helps you change this threshold to the desired value with ease.
Helps you trim your memory and change the freeing method
In addition, MemoryTamer features a memory trimming tools that allows you to trim your memory when it gets below a certain point. This feature is disabled by default but, you can easily enable it and change the memory trim threshold.
On top of that, MemoryTamer offers you the option to adjust the freeing pressure and decide what type of freeing method you want MemoryTamer to use. You are also allowed to control the freeing pressure-escalate functionality.
Displays notification via Notification Center or Growl
MemoryTamer seamlessly integrates with macOS’ Notification system, as well as with the popular Growl notification application. You can easily decide which notification system want to use and enable MemoryTamer to use Sticky Growl notifications.
The best part about MemoryTamer is that the displayed free RAM value constantly updates the read information once every 2 seconds, a fact that allows you to precisely know how much free RAM you have left and if you should free up some more or not.
Compatibility: OS X 10.9 or later 64-bit
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