Lasso 1.7.1 破解版 – 窗口管理器

Lasso 1.7.1 破解版 – 窗口管理器

Lasso Mac是一款极简的窗口管理器




Lasso 1.7.1 破解版 – 窗口管理器

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Lasso Mac是一款极简的窗口管理器。用鼠标移动和调整窗口大小。单击并拖动-这就是移动和调整窗口大小所需的全部功能使用自定义布局快速排列和调整窗口的大小
Lasso - Window Manager for macOS. Move and resize windows with your mouse. Posted on Reddit today. Looks really good. Click and drag - that’s all you need to move and resize windows Quickly arrange and resize your windows with custom layouts
Streamline your workflow and increase productivity with the ability to assign unique keyboard shortcuts to each of your individual layouts. The simplest answer would be - all. Really, no matter how many screens you have - Lasso will handle all of them. With many options available, you can change how you work by adjusting the space around windows, selecting grid sizes for Layouts, and more. Make your workspace fit your needs.
Supported Operation Systems
macOS 12.0 or later
