Jutoh 2.91 破解版 – 电子书制作工具

Jutoh 2.91 破解版 – 电子书制作工具




Jutoh 2.91 破解版 – 电子书制作工具

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Jutoh 是一款Mac上优秀的电子书制作工具,内置很多精美的模板,可以从模板创建流行的电子书格式,快速的制作Kindle或iBook电子书,简单易用,非常的不错!
Jutoh easy to create ebooks in popular formats that you can sell on many ebook sites. Create your project in seconds from existing files using the New Project Wizard; or create your book from scratch using the built -in text editor with style. Select a design book cover from Jutoh template or create your own cover design with the built -in editor covers.
Create your project in seconds from existing files using the New Project Wizard; or create your book from scratch using the built -in text editor with style.
Select a design book cover Jutoh templates, or create your own with the designer ‘s own built -in covers.
Jutoh lets you start creating your electronic books quickly, but it has many features and configurations for more advanced use, including support for content pages, index and endnotes.
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