Input Recorder 1.7 破解版 – 键盘输入记录

Input Recorder 1.7 破解版 – 键盘输入记录

如果您在执行重复的键盘和鼠标操作时遇到困难,Input Recorder可以提供帮助




Input Recorder 1.7 破解版 – 键盘输入记录
Input Recorder 1.7 破解版 – 键盘输入记录
Input Recorder 1.7 破解版 – 键盘输入记录

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如果您在执行重复的键盘和鼠标操作时遇到困难,Input Recorder可以提供帮助。 输入记录器允许您记录键盘和鼠标操作并在以后播放。
您甚至可以使用自定义键盘快捷键来为您录制和回放操作。 您还可以选择是重复动作播放,还是只执行一次。
If you have trouble performing repetitive keyboard and mouse actions, Input Recorder can help. Input Recorder allows you to record keyboard and mouse actions and play them back at a later time.
You can even use custom keyboard shortcuts to record and play back actions for you. You can also choose whether to repeat action playback, or to just perform it once.
Supported Operation System
• macOS 11.0 or later
• Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor
