GeoGebra Classic 6.0.680 破解版 – 数学绘图计算工具

GeoGebra Classic 6.0.680 破解版 – 数学绘图计算工具

GeoGebra Classic 6 是一款动态数学软件,可以帮助您解决数学问题,比如:图形函数,创建几何构造,进行统计和演算,保存并共享结果。GeoGebra应用程序已被全球数以百万计的学生和教师用来学习和教授数学与科学




GeoGebra Classic 6.0.680 破解版 – 数学绘图计算工具

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GeoGebra Classic 6 是一款动态数学软件,可以帮助您解决数学问题,比如:图形函数,创建几何构造,进行统计和演算,保存并共享结果。GeoGebra应用程序已被全球数以百万计的学生和教师用来学习和教授数学与科学。可画几何图、函数图像等制作动态演示教学课件,适用于数学、物理、化学、生物等学科,是几何画板的替代品。
GeoGebra Math Apps (was GeoGebra) is a dynamic mathematics software for all levels of education that joins arithmetic, geometry, algebra, and calculus. It offers multiple representations of objects in its graphics, algebra, and spreadsheet views that are all dynamically linked.
While other interactive software (e.g., Cabri Geometry, Geometer’s Sketchpad) focus on dynamic manipulations of geometrical objects, the idea behind GeoGebra is to connect geometric, algebraic, and numeric representations in an interactive way. You can do constructions with points, vectors, lines, and conic sections, as well as functions, and change them dynamically afterwards. Furthermore, GeoGebra allows you to directly enter and manipulate equations and coordinates. Thus you can easily plot functions, work with sliders to investigate parameters, find symbolic derivatives, and use powerful commands like Root or Sequence.
