Disk Graph mac破解版是一款mac磁盘空间分析、清理、释放磁盘控件的软件,可以将磁盘可视化为响应式饼图,并帮助您轻松找到占用磁盘空间的文件,轻松定位大文件
Disk Graph is a tool that allows you to inspect your disk and easily find the files that take away most of your disk space. With its beautiful interface and its pie-like graph, locating big files has never been easier.
Features of DiskGraph include:
● any directory reachable in the Finder (i.e. on your local machine, on an external drive or even on a remote server) can be selected and immediately analyzed
● freely navigate inside the subdirectories of an analyzed folder or device
● smooth animations manage the transitions between selected directories
● move the mouse over a file to see its name and size
● use the context menu to trash selected files
● quickly search for filenames
● save your favorite locations and access them with one click from the main window.
Compatibility: macOS 10.7 or later
Disk Graph 3.0.4 破解版 – 强大的磁盘空间分析工具
Disk Graph mac破解版是一款mac磁盘空间分析、清理、释放磁盘控件的软件,可以将磁盘可视化为响应式饼图
2024-06-30DMG/7Z 密码:digit77.com
,并非你安装的软件已损坏,而是Mac系统的安全设置问题。详见: MAC应用无法打开或文件损坏的处理方法 如遇:
,并非你安装的软件已损坏,而是Mac系统的安全设置问题。详见: 打开身份不明开发者的应用程序方法 关于激活方法,大部分文章都对不同版本做了不同的激活说明。不过,最终还是以dmg包中的实际情况为准,如果里面只有单独的 .app或者 .pkg文件,说明不需要做任何激活操作。