Countdown 2.1 破解版 – 倒数计时软件

Countdown 2.1 破解版 – 倒数计时软件

Countdown mac版是一款简单便捷的倒数计时软件




Countdown 2.1 破解版 – 倒数计时软件
Countdown 2.1 破解版 – 倒数计时软件
Countdown 2.1 破解版 – 倒数计时软件

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Welcome to website every day

Countdown mac版是一款简单便捷的倒数计时软件,Countdown可以帮助我们跟踪留待处理或者已经记录在生活中的重要事件的天数,也可以对节日等重要日子进行倒数计时,Countdown MAC版还可以跟踪即将发生的事件、假期和重要日期。
Keep track of the time for goals and events, Countdown days left until your big events!
It’s a fullscreen App that can be run on your Desktop to keep track easily for your events.
Fetal deadlines :/
Sweet events :)
Personal goals to improve yourself O-O
Vacation! ;)
Important Birthdays and anniversaries :D
Compatibility: macOS 10.7 or later
