Chatology 1.2.5 破解版 – 聊天记录查看器

Chatology 1.2.5 破解版 – 聊天记录查看器

Chatology mac能够快速准确的帮你在指定的日期范围内查找需要的聊天内容,非常的便捷




Chatology 1.2.5 破解版 – 聊天记录查看器
Chatology 1.2.5 破解版 – 聊天记录查看器

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Welcome to website every day

Chatology mac能够快速准确的帮你在指定的日期范围内查找需要的聊天内容,非常的便捷,欢迎各位下载体验哦!
Chatology for Mac是一款聊天信息搜索管理工具。聊天消息搜索变得简单如果您使用消息或iChat,您可能知道搜索消息以从过去的聊天中找到重要信息可能令人沮丧。 也许你找不到你要找的东西,或者你的Mac放慢了速度,放弃了。

Chatology is seeking simple messages
If messages or use iChat, you probably know that search messages for important information from previous chats can be frustrating. Maybe you could not find what you were looking for , or your Mac slowed so much that I gave up .
Chatology makes it easy:
Find your messages instantly
Focus on a specified date range
quickly Insulate images or links to your posts
Chatology helps you find exactly what you are looking for without frustration.
