Chameleon 0.9 破解版 – 桌面颜色改变工具

Chameleon 0.9 破解版 – 桌面颜色改变工具




Chameleon 0.9 破解版 – 桌面颜色改变工具

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Chameleon for Mac是一款便捷的桌面颜色改变工具,能帮助用户快速的改变桌面的颜色,使用方便,只需右键单击可在“明暗”模式之间切换。并搭配简单的界面,以最小的UI使您可以轻松地从菜单栏更改界面,重音和突出显示颜色

Chameleon is a small application that brings these settings to your menu bar, which greatly facilitates customizing your UI at any time. With this application, you can change the lighting interface and accent colors and switch between dark and light UI with only one or two clicks.
Application menu bar that lets you change the interface accent your Mac and highlight colors as well as switch between dark and light modes with just a few clicks
Easy to use:
Right – click to toggle between light and dark. Radio buttons make changing colors fast and fun.
Simple interface:
The minimum UI makes it easy to change the interface, accent and highlight colors directly from the menu bar
small size:
Chameleon does not need much space or power to run, but offers lots of fun to use
