Bike for Mac是一款非常方便的写作软件,它采用了大纲结构的方式,方便用户整理思路和组织内容,使得用户可以更加高效地进行写作
Structured & focused writing. Use Bike to think, write, organize.Make lists, take notes, create documents. .Bike’s an unusually fast writing app designed for your Mac. Bike’s fast. It can handle big projects that break other outliners. Bike’s also fast at the basics–opening files, scrolling views, and resizing windows. Bike won’t slow your Mac down.
Bike is a better place to think and write.
Bike’s nimble. Use it as the main app for a big project or as a supporting app for notes and ideas. Standard file formats, shortcuts support, and scripting allow Bike to integrate with your existing workflows.
Bike’s innovative. Your ideas flow smoothly across the screen. You get the power of outlining without the feeling of constraint. Bike is a powerful tool that’s also enjoyable to use.Bike’s innovative. Your ideas flow smoothly across the screen. You get the power of outlining without the feeling of constraint. Bike is a powerful tool that’s also enjoyable to use.
Supported Operation Systems
macOS 11.0 or later
Bike 破解版 – 写作软件
Bike for Mac是一款非常方便的写作软件,它采用了大纲结构的方式,方便用户整理思路和组织内容,使得用户可以更加高效地进行写作
2024-08-04DMG/7Z 密码
,并非你安装的软件已损坏,而是Mac系统的安全设置问题。详见: MAC应用无法打开或文件损坏的处理方法 如遇:
,并非你安装的软件已损坏,而是Mac系统的安全设置问题。详见: 打开身份不明开发者的应用程序方法 关于激活方法,大部分文章都对不同版本做了不同的激活说明。不过,最终还是以dmg包中的实际情况为准,如果里面只有单独的 .app或者 .pkg文件,说明不需要做任何激活操作。