Application Wizard mac破解版是一款功能强大的快速启动管理程序,可快速打开喜欢的应用程序和应用组;,显示包括隐藏文件夹在内的所有文件。并且Application Wizard允许用户自定义快捷键,通过按键盘上的键快速完成频繁的任务,十分方便。需要的朋友不要错过了
Application Wizard is a small device, very determined to give us a new way to manipulate and work with applications, creating multiple groups of favorite applications that can open, close, switch or hide at will. But this is not all, if an application is hung, the screws can squeeze the system to the closure and restart immediately.
On screen, a simple panel contains four main menus Application Wizard (open, close, switch and special), which allow you to define groups of preferred applications and / or themes such as, for example, all Internet applications, which will be possible open, close, show or hide more than one application at the same time, thanks to the multiple selection.
The special menu offers very interesting extras as the ability to initiate and / or close Mac OS Classic, exit and / or restart the Finder and the Dock, switch users, put the Mac on hold, restart and / or close it. But we can also open recent applications, all applications in the Dock or the Folder and preferably to the panel.
Application Wizard is a very significant help when you want to close an application or group of applications, without having to activate them before, but if you decide to close all background applications, get rid of a capricious application refuses to start correctly, switch body applications or groups of applications and more, here you have everything.
With Application Wizard you can:
quickly open favorite applications, groups of applications, and recent applications
quit multiple or all running applications at the same time
quit background processes and the Finder, and force applications to quit
switch between applications and bring specific windows to the front when making applications active
mark 32-bit applications
turn on single application mode
eject disks and servers and mount ejected disks
browse volumes and favorite folders to quickly open enclosed items
easily access recent folders, documents, and servers
quickly look up your contacts
check system memory usage
view information about files and open them with specific applications
preview images, music, movies, and documents
easily view the metadata associated with images, songs, movies, and PDF files
define keyboard shortcuts to quickly accomplish frequent tasks
Application Wizard runs in English, German, Dutch, French, Spanish, and Italian.
System requirements : Application Wizard requires macOS 10.11 or later (including macOS 10.14 Mojave).
Application Wizard 4.6 破解版 – 应用快速启动效率工具
Application Wizard 是一款Mac上的应用快速启动效率工具,这款软件可以在屏幕上固定一个快速调用的栏
2024-03-28DMG/7Z 密码
,并非你安装的软件已损坏,而是Mac系统的安全设置问题。详见: MAC应用无法打开或文件损坏的处理方法 如遇:
,并非你安装的软件已损坏,而是Mac系统的安全设置问题。详见: 打开身份不明开发者的应用程序方法 关于激活方法,大部分文章都对不同版本做了不同的激活说明。不过,最终还是以dmg包中的实际情况为准,如果里面只有单独的 .app或者 .pkg文件,说明不需要做任何激活操作。