Air Calendar 1.9 破解版 – 菜单栏日历软件

Air Calendar 1.9 破解版 – 菜单栏日历软件

Air Calendar 是一款专为 macOS 精心打造的集时钟、日历与日程于一身的菜单栏日历,空气日历 mac版以最快速、便捷的方式,将日历与您的日程展现给您,重要的日子绝不会错过




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Air Calendar 1.9 破解版 – 菜单栏日历软件
Air Calendar 1.9 破解版 – 菜单栏日历软件
Air Calendar 1.9 破解版 – 菜单栏日历软件

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Welcome to website every day

Air Calendar 是一款专为 macOS 精心打造的集时钟、日历与日程于一身的菜单栏日历,空气日历 mac版以最快速、便捷的方式,将日历与您的日程展现给您,重要的日子绝不会错过。
Air Calendar is a menu bar application that integrates clock, calendar and events. It supports Google, Outlook and all calendar services that the macOS’s Calendar supports. It presents you a beautiful and clean calendar with your meetings, appointments, holidays and all agendas to you in the fastest and most convenient way.
Air Calendar is committed to providing a visual and interactive experience that perfectly fits the macOS. It is as natural, light and indispensable as air.
Main features
• Subscribe to Google, Outlook, iCloud and all your calendar services.
• A beautiful and clean calendar, with just a glance.
• A delightful Light and Dark appearances.
• An accuracy and highly configurable clock which just like built-in’s.
• Consistent visual experience with the system, inheriting your accent color.
• Convenient keyboard shortcuts.
• Collect no data at all, it’s safe and secure.
Compatibility: macOS 11.0 or later • Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor
