Adobe Substance 3D Stager 2.1.4 破解版 – 三维场景搭建和渲染软件

Adobe Substance 3D Stager 2.1.4 破解版 – 三维场景搭建和渲染软件

Adobe Substance 3D Stager 三维场景搭建和渲染软件, 创建逼真虚拟场景和环境。通过拖放和编辑操作快速创建复杂的三维场景




Adobe Substance 3D Stager 2.1.4 破解版 – 三维场景搭建和渲染软件

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Adobe Substance 3D Stager 三维场景搭建和渲染软件, 创建逼真虚拟场景和环境。通过拖放和编辑操作快速创建复杂的三维场景。添加、调整和组织各种元素,包括模型、灯光、相机、材质等
三维建模软件 内置丰富材质库和渲染引擎,自定义和应用各种物体的材质和纹理,实现逼真的外观效果。支持实时渲染预览,即时查看和调整场景的外观。提供灯光和相机控制功能,调整光源和相机参数,实现对场景光影和视角的精细控制,Substance 3D Stager 与其他Adobe产品(如Photoshop、Dimension等)无缝集成,内置大量的智能素材库,其中包含各种预设的材质、纹理和模型资源
三维渲染软件 Adobe Substance 3D Stager 三维场景构建和渲染软件,创建虚拟现实(VR)、增强现实(AR)和三维场景。放置和调整模型、设置地形和环境、添加光照和特效等。
Adobe Substance 3D Stager 实时渲染技术,实时预览场景中的材质、照明和相机设置等。支持创建适用于虚拟现实头显的场景可视化实时预览,内置自动UV展开算法,自动为导入的模型生成优化的纹理坐标,材质编辑功能包括基于物理的渲染(PBR)材质参数设置、纹理调整、颜色校正和材质混合等。支持导入和播放动画,以及添加交互性元素(如触发器和动作)到场景中
Substance 3D Stager is your fully equipped virtual studio. Create and assemble 3D scenes with this intuitive scene creation tool. Customize assets, materials, lights and cameras. Export and share multimedia assets—from images to the web to AR.
Work on the final image
Refine and adjust your composition in real time: Render and edit complex materials with complex lighting and shadows.
Tools to bring your ideas to life
Create lifelike 3D scenes with fast, powerful smart tools. Work with shapes, snap elements, activate physics to avoid collisions between models, and create simple light sources.
An extensive network of resources at your service
Stager comes with models, materials, and lights to get you started. Or enjoy high-quality content created by our 3D experts or contributed by the community.
Connect to your 3D toolbox
Get the most out of Creative Cloud by importing elements from Painter, Designer, and Sampler. Edit images in Illustrator and Photoshop and immediately preview changes in Stager.
Compatibility macOS 11 and later
